Online Diary *J.u.s.t-A-d.r.e.a.m*: 2012

Isnin, 3 September 2012

Rgaya 2012


Raya 2012 pada tahun nie for me best jugak lew sbb dapat bersama sedare2 semua dan dapat berkumpul ramai2 dalam 1 family... mmg best dan seronok sgt... Yang paling x best sbb tahun nie dapat kumpul duit raya x sampai rm200... OHHHHH NOOO!!!! sikit jew duit raya dapat tahun nie dan merasakan diri sy nie besar sgt2 sbb 2 xdapat byk... haha... btw, xpew lew.. duit2 raya nie for me x penting sbb bukan nye nak raya mesti dapat kan.. yg penting kita semua dpt mengekalkan hubungan silaturrahim diantara sedare2 sbb mase raya lew semua balik dan dpt berkumpul... hihihI... Mase kecik2 dulu mmg byk kan dpt kumpul duit raya, ye lah sbb mse 2 kita semua masih budak2 yg baru nk membesar... ingat lagi mse sy umur 8 tahun n dpt kumpul duit raya sehingga rm980.. WOWWW!!! mse 2 bgi sy mcm xtau sgt nilai die n mcm  xtau nk buat apa.. tp semua 2 dah disimpan di dlm bank utk mse depan sy sndri... Sy rse anda smeua mungkin mcm 2 jgk kan... huhu... Raya pertama fmily sy ade buat open house sempena keberangkatan sy ke tempat baru pd 22/9 dan majlis kenduri doa selamat jua diadakan pd mlm hari tersebut... Juadah yg mmg masyuk kene sediakan adalah NASI DAGANG, RENDANG, KETUPAT, NASI IMPIT, SATAY, KUAH KACANG, LONTONG DAN NASI MINYAK DAN AIR SIRAP BANDUNG DAN JUGA AIR RIBENA.. 2 juadah yg kami sediakan pada hari raya pertama...Dari pagi kul 11 pg mjlis bermula sehingga pkul 12 mlm masih ade lagi kwn2 ayah n mak dtg nak beraya.. mmg mse raya pertama 2 mmg penat gilew smpi kalau letak kepala kat bantal, mmg trus lena kot sbb mmg penat tahap gaban da.. semua owg mengeluh penat dan tido jew.. hihihi.. tp mmg syok lew.. ramai kwn2 ayah n mak datang n kwn2 sy kat skola rendah+menengah+tusyen datang ke majlis open house..Raya kedua plak kiteowg x sediakan juadah sgt just msak nasi beriani jew utk mkn 1 family coz mse raya kedua 2 ramai sedare2/kwn2 ayah n mak buat open house.. so, mse 2 giliran kami plak ke umah mereka utk menjamu selera... dari pukul 10 pg kami keluar sehingga balik kul 11 mlm.. mmg "FULL" gilew perut sampai rse cam buncit jew perut.. comfirm2 lpas raya kalau timbang dah nek weightnye.. haha.. Raya ketiga pagi kami sekeluarga balik ke kampung belah mama plak di kelantan/terengganu... kami bertolak pukul 8 pagi n sampai kul 12 tgh hari.. mmg jln jem sgt2...beraya di kampung belah mama  for me best jugak lew tp x syok sgt sbb ye lah sy xberapa rapat sgt... so, mcm x syok jew.. hehe.. tp fun jygak dpt jln2 dgn mak cik2 semua n dapt berkumpul n bercerita... hehe...raya ke 5 dan ke 7 ade majlis kenduri kahwin cosin.. so, mmg penat lew jugak sbb tolong2 mereka buat2 hantaran, bungkus papr bag n doorgift.. huhu... mcm sy lak nka kawin mse 2 coz, cosin nie mcm suke usik2 jew.. haha... overall, best lah... sy bg 70% lew raya tahun 2012 nie.. hehehe.. have fun semua.. di bawah ade berapa pic raya yg diamik.. n ade lagi xde dlm nie sbb camera man yg family upah 2 xde htr lagi cd pic yg mereka amik... so, i da dpt, akn sy update oke... thanks sume.. :)


Kalau Anda Suka Entry Ini Like dan Comment

Jumaat, 17 Ogos 2012

Membawa Hati ke OVERSEA

HEY!!! assalamualaikum wahai sahabat n sesiapa yang mngenali ku.. hee.. Kowg mcm ne?? sehat x?? Hope sume sehat n dimurahkan rezeki oke.. huhu.. ;D.. Mcm ne kehidupan kowg skrg???ok x?? if x oke, sama2 lah kita semua perbaikinya kepada yang lebih oke yew syg2ku.. yuhuu.. :).. back 2 main topic, sy nk share dgn kowg kesedihan yang telah sy alami sejak 2 bulan setengah.. huhu... Hati sy terlalu sakit n punah disambar petir n terlalu terseksa... KNP??? hmmm..  Sy xpasti sbb die knp sbb die sndri xtau n yg sy tau hati sy hancur berkecai disebabkan die.. MASYAALLAH!! hanya TUHAN saja yang tau betapa sakitnye hatiku ini n sy sering mengis setiap kali sy teringat die n sy xtau nk buat apa lagi.. sy penah merancang nak gantung diri tp bila dipikir balik dgn akal yang waras n dgn bertemankan keimanan, sy xboley melakukannya sbb sy ISLAM n sy masih ada mama n abah n keluarga.. mereka masih perlukan sy.. so, sy tidak boleh melakukannya sbb mereka sygkan sy... hmmm.... Semenjak apa yg berlaku pada sy, sy slalu sakit n xsihat n msuk kuar hospital sbb bdn sy lemah n xbermaya... last masuk hospital bulan lpas sbb sakit di dlm perut n doc ckp ade msalah ..... then buat operation n skrg alhamdulilah oke dah n sy kene jage pemakanan n xleh terlalu buat kerja sgt sbb luka di perut msih x sembuh lagi... hmm.. dugaan btul lew..!!! yuhuuu.. oke back da topic, sejak sy sakit n merana, die xde dismping sy n die mcm dh xsygkan sy n die lupekan sy... sy teramat sedih n xtau nk buat apa suda... sy hanya berdoa n bertawakal agar Tuhan makbulkan doa sy bahawa sy nak die kembli seperti sedia ada n jgn sesekali pisahkan kami berdua sbb syg msih sygkan die.. xtau nk ckp n nk bgitau apa dah sbb hati sy mmg utk die.. hanya die.. sejak perkenalan kami 4 tahun lpas sy teramat bahagia n xde sedih2 walaupun ade probs kat skola n mcm2 lah p dgn hadirnye die di dlm hidup n diri sy, sy terase dunia nie indah sgt2 n sy bersyukur sbb ALLAH ketemukan sy dgn die sbb die yang sy cari.. die pndai agama n sy berhasrat ingin berkhatam kali kedua dgn die selepas kami di ijabkabulkan bsama.. tp ntah lah.. sy xtau knp dh jadi mcm nie... sy mungkin paham die n sy xpnah nak push2 die or apa2 sbb sy xsuke push2 owg nie,, sy just mintak die agar didik sy sehingga ke akhir hayat sy sbb sy perlukan dorongan drpd die n sy dh berjanji pd mama n abah n jugak mak cik sy nk bersama dgn die n nk menjadi seowg perempuan yang dianggap solehah n muslimah suatu hari nnti.. itu kata2 sy semasa balik dri cuti sem ke dua kpd parents n mak cik sy... tp sume hancur kerkecai n hanya Tuhan yang tau betapa deritanya hati ini dgn kehilangan owg yang kita syg n sy teramat sedih n hati sy terluka sekali.. stiap mlm sy mengis selepas solat n kdg2 sy mengis diatas riba mama n sy xtau nk luahkan kepda spew?? sy hanye berckp n meluakan isi n apa yang sy rase diatas kertas kosong n pd boboy tersyg.. boboy 2 amat berharga buat diriku sbb 2 pemberian die yang terakhir kpdku.. hmmm...*laju air mata jatuh*!!!!!sy berfikir sekiranya sy tamatkan zaman sy di shah alam lagi 2 tahun, hati sy akn sakit sbb itu tempat die n sy xleh meneruskan lagi disana sbb jiwa n raga sy dh hancur...hurmm..:'( memberitahu mama n abah hasrat sy nk quit dri unisel ats sbb unisel xelok utk sy n sy memohon maap terhadap mama n abah jikalau sy kali nie telah melukan hati mereka n sy dah abiskan 15k duitnye n sy berjanji sekiranya sy dh kerja nnti, akn sy kembalikan cash 15k kepada mereka..mama sy terus menngis n memarahi sy sbb sy nk quit n abah plak hanye berdiamkan diri.. abah just ckp "tell che sue" dulu sbb che sue lebih tau sbb die lecturer...selepas 3 4 5 ari, sy ade whatapp my anty n bertnyakan sy nk quit dri unisel n die bertanya sbb?? sy hanye menyatakan unisel bukan tempat yang sesuai utk diri sy.. then sy call lecturer n kwn2 unisel n memberitahu hasrat sy itu n mereka halang sy utk berhenti n ade smpi kwn nk rasuah sy kalu sy berhenti n lecturer plak bg nsihat sume tp hati sy dah sakit disana.. sy xleh truskan lagi n dgn pergi dri sne sy mungkin boley pulihkan kembali hati yang dh skit... hurmm..;(.. then lpas sebulan mase berlalu.. mama pun call die punye kwn di kl n memberitahu sy nk benti n lpas sume dh berbincang, sy menyatkan hasrat sy utk pergi jauh... mama terkejut dgn jwpan sy n smpi die demam n abah plak sedih n sayu jew muka die.. sy memberitahu mereka sy nk pegi jauh dri hazim.. n mereka bertanya kenapa n mlm 2 sy menceritakan sume kpd mereka..dowg just bg nsihat n ade kalanya dowg mrh sy sbb mungkin sy yg salah n sy hanye berdiamkan diri... hmm..:(.... pada malam 2/7 sy menyatakan hasrat sy nk smbung ke rusia n dgn sendri mama marah sy n die ckp" mama xbg pergi jauh n xboley keluar dri mas!!!dgr ckp mama kali ni!!"..then sy hnye mendiamkan diri n mengis teresak2 n abah menasihati sy supaya buat keputusan dgn akal n jgn ikut emosi n mlm 2 jgk sy beritahu mereka ITU KEPUTUSAN SY N SY HARUS PERGI JGK...muka mama sebak n mengis sbb kami xpnah berpisah lama2 n kdg2 kalu berpisah pun ketika mereka g umrah saja,.. then muka ayah plak sebak n mengalir air mata... dlm diriku hanya berkata"i'm sowy mama n abah n one day angah akan bals balik apa yang dah mama n abah bagi!!!"..Dgn berbekalkan slip sijil SPM 2010, aq pergi interview utk kemsukan pelajar baru ke oversea n selepas 2 kali ujian n 2 kali interview n akhirnye surat rasmi dh pun smpi n menyatakan sy berjaya utk pergi n dlm bidang "pengijazah pembantu pembedahan" selama 4 tahun..ALHAMDULILLAH!!SYUKUR!!! hanya Tuhan sje yang tau betapa gembiranya hatiku mse 2.. then sy call abah coz die bertugas di kl n memberitahu mama n mama xbape nk epy sbb die mmg xgalakkan n sy memberitahu anty n cosin2ku.. hihi.. dowg ckp congrax n selepas 2 weeks buat apa yang aptut mengenai nak pergi oversea 2 then akhirnye sume dh, dgn berbekalkan doa n solat hajat n istiqarah, itu jln yg sy mesti tempuhi n itu jugak keputusan sy yg perlu sy turuti... huhuhu... sy berharap agar keputusan yang sy buat itu adalah yang terbek n berharap agar sy dpt kembali dgn sebuah ijazah yg bertauliah n dpt berkhidmat utk negara malaysia suatu hari nnti.. insyaallah!!!! ;)..
harapan sy agar si die dpt dpt berubah kepda yang lebih penyayang n menjdi seowg lelaki yang bek n terus beriman kelak n dpt turunkan egonya.. hihi.. sy berharap agar sekembali sy ke mas pada tahun 2016 nnti si die dpt berubah n sekiranya die dh ditakdirkan jodoh sy, sy ingin menjadi suri dihatinya n sekiranya sekembali sy dari sne ke mas n mendapati die dh berumah tangga, sy hanya berserah n mengucapkan tahniah sahaja n berharap die dpt menjdi ketua keluarga yang penyayang utk fmily die n menjdi seowg ayah yang bertanggungjwb.. amin n insyaallah!!!! semua cerita pasal jodoh or psngan sy serahkan sume 2 pada yang lebih mengetahui iaitu ALLAH... insyaallah!!! ;)

Kalau Anda Suka Entry Ini Like dan Comment

Ahad, 29 Julai 2012

Sembang Santai di Bulan Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum wbt.. 

Hey para sahabat sekalian.. sehat??? amacam puasa?? oke x?? ade yang wat2 x pose x?? hihi.. Hope anda semua pose penuh lah ya.. xBaik tinggal pose sekiranya x uzur n xleh pose..nnti diakhirat anda akn di campakkan ke dlm kolam air liur yang para muslimin yg berpose..masyaallah!!!cuakkan??? eee.. ngeriiii jew...huhu....Kowg pose mkn apa aja?? mesti byk kan kowg mkn.. HAHA.. ye lah.. pegi bazar lagi+mak masak kat umah.. PEERRGGHHH!!! mmg meriah lew makanan kan mase bulan pose sendri bila ke bazar ramdhan, MAAKKK AIII tgk jew juadah yg dijual rse cam sume nk bli.. haha.. pling suke tgk airr.. wahh!!!! Sedapnye... ilang haus.. kih3!!!! Awak2 sume nie tolong mak x kat dpur utk masak sume bulan pose.. HAHA.. mesti x kan.. n yang tolong 2 bguslah.. dapat gak pahala free2 jew.. hehe.. saya?? kalu sy xde kerja sy akn tolong jgk lah.. wat air n basuh pinggan.. 2 jew yg sy tau.. msak2 bukan minat sy.. HAHA.. xpew2.. sekurangnye tolong jgk kan.. hihihi... eh2 kowg???bulan pose nie pergi terawih x???amboiiii!!!! jgn pasal nk cari baju2 raya n brg2 raya sampi terawih anda lupekan....sunat 2 solat terawih..pergi akan dpt pahala.. setahun sekali so, apa salhnye kita menunaikannya dgn ikhlas dan belum tentu tahun akn datang kita akn dpt menunaikannya..SO, di bulan yang mulia penuh baraqah ini, mari lah kita sama2 pergi ke masjid or surau2 berdekatan utk solat terawih.. HIHIHI.. Ramai lah dikalangan para kenalan sy bila sy ajk ke terawih jew byk alasan yg mereka bg n slah 1 nye paling famous "LAMBAT SGT LAH".. laaa!!! bese lah.. nama pun solat terawih.. so, kene sabar n bertahan lew.. mcm ne nk g menunaikan UMRAH OR IBADAT HAJI nnti.. aiYAYA!!!! xpew lah.. kalu kowg rse cam nk pergi n dpt pahala yang lebih dibulan pose nie, boley jew pergi.. xde dosa nye dpt tp akn dpt pahala..PERcaya lah!!!HAAA.. dibuan pose ni mari lah kita sama2 perbykkan doa n perbykkan membuat ibadat sunat yew kwn2 sbb bulan nie penuh keberkatan..mcm2 peristiwa berlaku di bulan ramadhan sesama zaman nabi2 dulu.. so, kita perlu contohinye dgn byk mengaji, tadarus n berdoa.. OKAY?? 


Kalau Anda Suka Entry Ini Like dan Comment

Jumaat, 20 Julai 2012

Ramadhan Dtg Lagi.

Assalamualaikum wbt.. 

Alhamdulillah..Ramadhan datang lagi..Bulan yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh kebanyakan orang islam..
bulan yang penuh berkat.
Bulan Ramadhan sahaja kita dapat melihat masing-masing berlumba untuk mendapatkan pahala..
sungguh indah!

Hadis yang diriwayatkan daripada Abu Hurairah radhiallahu ‘anhu: 

“Barangsiapa berpuasa pada bulan Ramadan dengan sungguh-sungguh beriman dan ikhlas kerana Allah semata-mata, nescaya diampuni Allah dosa-dosanya yang terdahulu”. 

(Hadis riwayat Imam al-Bukhari) 

Dari Abu Ayub al-Ansari berkata bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bersabda: 

“Sesiapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan kemudian dia berpuasa pula sebanyak enam hari pada bulan Syawal, seolah-olah dia berpuasa sepanjang masa” 

Setiap orang yang mengaku beriman dengan kebesaran Allah pasti akan bergembira apabila tiba bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak di setiap tahun. Ini disebabkan Ramadhan satu-satunya bulan yang penuh dengan rahmat dan keberkatan yang tidak terdapat di dalam bulan-bulan yang lain, oleh sebab itu Rasulullah s.a.w. menjelaskan Ramadhan adalah penghulu kepada sebelas bulan yang lain. 

Hanya orang yang kenal kelebihan Ramadhan sahaja yang akan bersedia bila menjelangnya bulan yang mulia ini. 

Kalau Anda Suka Entry Ini Like dan Comment

BisnessWomen kah?? LOL!


Saya bosan!!!saya xtau nak buat apa!!!so, sy berfikir n ade dtg IDEA menjual dlm internet or blog or any sosial network.. hewhewhew!!! tHen, selepas bgitau my mama n abah tentang cuti lama.. dowg pun cam setuju apa yang sy cadangkan n lagipun ramai custmer sy n  supplier sy mintak sy bukak balik bisness sbb custmer just tertumpu pada sy n ramai sgt2.. sy xtau mereka dtg dari celah mana.. tp sy teramat bersyukur kerna dpt sokongan kawan, family, custmer n supplier..Ade smpi seowg custmer sy from seremban nie nak jumpa sy n paksa2 sy suh bukak bisness balik.. 2 3 kali die call dlm seminggu.. AIYOOOYOO!! kdang2 pening layan mereka nie smpi kawan2 n housemate sy kesian tgk sy sbb mereka*custmer x paham yang sy msih study n dulu bisness 2 just smpingan jew.. hehe.. tp xpew, rezeki ade dimana2 n sy perlu hargainya.. SO, 2 minggu sebelum cuti, sy ade post di page sy " KAIN SULAM ANN" mengenai sy akan start amik order balik.. dlm 10 minit sahaja saya post dah 12 comment di status page n ramai bg sokongan.. so, dlm mse 1 bulan sy dpt order drpd custmer dlm 40 pasang sehingga abah n mama sy xpercayer tgk byk sgt.. then supplier pun epy sbb kain yang diproses dpt dikeluarkan lagi ke malysia.. HIHI.. Sy buat bisness n setiap ari ngadap lappy untuk amik order n masukkan pic kain sulam yang terbaru n warna2 yang sgt2 gojes utk dipkai oleh jelitawan.. heee.. so, sambil bersabar melayan karenah mereka*custmer n take order, xsedar2 dah 3 bulan sy bisness utk tahun ni.. so, kain sy yang dijual setakat 20/7 dah melebihi 570 pasang kain..Bykkkk sgt2 n kadang2 pening sbb mcm2 karenah custmer nie.. ade yang mcm 2 n ade yang mcm nie.. so, sy n PA sy iaitu my abah bersabar je lah.. Ye lah, manusia x sume perfect kan.. hihi.. ADE jugak lah custmer sy nie cube nak menipu sy.. die ckp"dah bank in" tp bila sy check on9"xde plak".. nade yang paksa2 sy suh post dulu kain n last2 die xbyk.. aduishh!!mcm2 hal kan.. mcm budak2 pra matang jew.. MUAHAHA... :D.. SABAUUU je lah!!! kawan2 n sedare2 sy suke panggil sy dgn gelarab "TOKEY KAIN".. hahaha.. ishh!!! sy xsuke lah owg pnggil cam 2 sbb nmpak cam tua jew... hik3!!! Kwn2 abah n mama kalu dtg umah sy slalu perli sy n ckp pasal2 bisness.. aiyooo!!! Sehingga mereka suh sy jadi bisness women jew.. AIP!!! xlehhhh.. sy amik medical n bukan bisness.. insyaallah lew one day akan sy "bukak butik sy sendri" n akn diusahakan oleh sy jugak.. sbb mmg niat sy nk ade sebuah butik sendri n kerja yang tetap.INSYAALLAH!!! amin.. mudah2han apa yang sy nk 2 tercapai n menjadi sy seowg bisnesswomen+doctor ain.. HIHI.. amin!!!!! ;).. 2 ALL my followers blog, frez at facebook, twitter or laman sosial len, plezz doakan sy tau2.. hihi... sayang kowg laju2 tau2.. ;)

Kalau Anda Suka Entry Ini Like dan Comment

Cuti Sem 2 at UNISEL

Hyee!! dah lama sy x update blogger.. Almaklum lew skrg busy sket lah dgn ade byk sgt kerja..HMM.. HAAA.. Btw, sy skrg ngah cuti sem..3 bulan cuti n masuk dlm 7/8 baru start kelas.. ggggrrr!!!! Mcam xde mood pulak nk blajar sbb cuti sakan sgt.. hihihi!! Masuk sem nnti sy berada di sem 3 dah.. haaa.. cuak!!!!!SBB subject makin ssah.. ADUISHH!!!! haha... tapi xpew, sume benda ssah kan.. so, kita kene hadapinya dgn tabah, tenang n tawakal n berdoa..PENTING 2..!!!;)

SEmasa cuti nie 3 month nie saya duk umah je lah.. NKg jln2 comfirm2 mama n abah x bg.. YE lah anak pempuan sowg.. sSAh sket lah..huhu!! kerja saya bagun jew pagi, makan+gadap lappy+ngadap tv+tido.. 2 Jew kerja sy seharian mase cuti nie.. amat bosannnnnnnn n kdg2 rase cam nak balik shah alam jew.. HIHI..Nak blajar msak tp malas jew n nak blajar menahit x menjdinye.. hehe.. sume bukan minat sy 2.. Sy x suke benda2 mcm 2.. sy lebih suke buat2 cookies, puding, cakes n benda2 yang kecik2.. HIHI.. 2 minat sy lew.. :P.. HAAA.. ramai cuti sem nie kwn2 sy yang bekerja n ade yang x kerja..mereka kerja pun untuk memenuhi mase terluang  jew smbil2 2 cari pendapatan sket.. Ye lah, masuk nnti sem ade gak duit sket..;)

Sy dapat tau dari kawan2 masuk sem n daftar awal bulan 8 n kelas masuk 7/8, so, kiteowg sudah membuat preparation nak msuk next sem plak.. heee.. Kadang2 x sabar kot nak masuk sbb terlalu windu akan kawan2 n lecturer.. Klau sy windu dowg, slalu jew tgk pic mereka.. Lawak pun ade bila tgk n ingat balik sbb kawan2 n lecturer kami sume sporting2 n boley buat kawan terutama ENCIK EDDY dan ENCIK AMIR .. 2  lecturer fav sy 2.. hehe.. suke sgt2 kat dowg.. ahha.. tapi mereka dah kawin.. ALAHAIIII melepasssss jugak.. ADEHHH!!!!! hurmmm.. berbalik pada main topic, cuti sem kali nie mmg lama sbb bese lew course Medic.. HEEE.. 2 lah yang lama.. mcm university len sama jugak tp bezanya NAMA university jew.. kih3!!! ;)... ~~~~~~~ hurmmm.. nie lah citer2 n coret2 sy ketika bercuti sem selama 3 bulan.. kalu tanam jagung nie comfirm dah leh mkn hasil.. HIHI.. enJOYYYYY!!!!!o,Q

Kalau Anda Suka Entry Ini Like dan Comment

Sabtu, 17 Mac 2012



Meaning of reproductive:The reproductive system or genital system is a system of organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction.

The male reproductive system is illustrated to the right. Sperm are produced in the testes located in the scrotum. Normal body temperature is too hot thus is lethal to sperm so the testes are outside of the abdominal cavity where the temperature is about 2° C (3.6° F) lower. Note also that a woman’s body temperature is lowest around the time of ovulation to help insure sperm live longer to reach the egg. If a man takes too many long, very hot baths, this can reduce his sperm count. Undescended testes (testes are supposed to descend before birth) will cause sterility because their environment is too warm for sperm viability unless the problem can be surgically corrected.
From there, sperm are transferred to the epididymis, coiled tubules also found within the scrotum, that store sperm and are the site of their final maturation.
In ejaculation, sperm are forced up into the vas deferens (plural = vasa deferentia). From the epididymis, the vas deferens goes up, around the front of, over the top of, and behind the bladder. A vasectomy is a fairly simple, outpatient operation that involves making a small slit in each scrotum, cutting the vasa deferentia near where they begin, and tying off the cut ends to prevent sperm from leaving the scrotum. Because this is a relatively non-invasive procedure (as compared to doing the same to a woman’s oviducts), this is a popular method of permanent birth control once a couple has had all the children they desire. Couples should carefully weigh their options, because this (and the corresponding female procedure) is not designed to be a reversible operation.
The ends of the vasa deferentia, behind and slightly under the bladder, are called the ejaculatory ducts. The seminal vesicles are also located behind the bladder. Their secretions are about 60% of the total volume of thesemen (= sperm and associated fluid) and contain mucus, amino acids, fructose as the main energy source for the sperm, and prostaglandins to stimulate female uterine contractions to move the semen up into the uterus. The seminal vesicles empty into the ejaculatory ducts. The ejaculatory ducts then empty into the urethra (which, in males, also empties the urinary bladder).
The initial segment of the urethra is surrounded by the prostate gland (note spelling!). The prostate is the largest of the accessory glands and puts its secretions directly into the urethra. These secretions are alkaline to buffer any residual urine, which tends to be acidic, and the acidity of the woman’s vagina. The prostate needs a lot of zinc to function properly, and insufficient dietary zinc (as well as other causes) can lead to enlargement which potentially can constrict the urethra to the point of interferring with urination. Mild cases of prostate hypertrophy can often be treated by adding supplemental zinc to the man’s diet, but severe cases require surgical removal of portions of the prostate. This surgery, if not done very carefully can lead to problems with urination or sexual performance.
The bulbourethral glands or Cowper’s glands are the third of the accessory structures. These are a small pair of glands along the urethra below the prostate. Their fluid is secreted just before emission of the semen, thus it is thought that this fluid may serve as a lubricant for inserting the penis into the vagina, but because the volume of these secretions is very small, people are not totally sure of this function.
The urethra goes through the penis. In humans, the penis contains three cylinders of spongy, erectile tissue. During arousal, these become filled with blood from the arteries that supply them and the pressure seals off the veins that drain these areas causing an erection, which is necessary for insertion of the penis into the woman’s vagina. In a number of other animals, the penis also has a bone, the baculum, which helps to stiffen it. The head of the penis, the glans penis, is very sensitive to stimulation. In humans, as in other mammals, the glans is covered by the foreskin or prepuce, which may have been removed by circumcision. Medically, circumcision is not a necessity, but rather a cultural “tradition”. Males who have not been circumcised need to keep the area between the glans and the prepuce clean so bacteria and/or yeasts don’t start to grow on accumulated secretions, etc. there. There is some evidence that uncircumcised males who do not keep the glans/prepuce area clean are slightly more prone to penile cancer.

The female reproductive system is illustrated to the right. “Eggs” are produced in the ovaries, but remember from our discussion of meiosis, that these are not true eggs, yet, and will never complete meiosis and become such unless/until first fertilized by a sperm. Within the ovary, a follicle consists of one precursor egg cell surrounded by special cells to nourish and protect it. A human female typically has about 400,000 follicles/potential eggs, all formed before birth. Only several hundred of these “eggs” will actually ever be released during her reproductive years. Normally, in humans, after the onset of puberty, due to the stimulation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) one “egg” per cycle matures and is released from its ovary. Ovulation is the release of a mature “egg” due to the stimulation of leutenizing hormone (LH), which then stimulates the remaining follicle cells to turn into a corpus luteum which then secretes progesterone to prepare the uterus for possible implantation. If an egg is not fertilized and does not implant, the corpus luteum disintegrates and when it stops producing progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and is shed.
Each “egg” is released into the abdominal cavity near the opening of one of the oviducts or Fallopian tubes. Cilia in the oviduct set up currents that draw the egg in. If sperm are present in the oviduct (if the couple has recently had intercourse), the egg will be fertilized near the far end of the Fallopian tube, will quickly finish meiosis, and the embryo will start to divide and grow as it travels to the uterus. The trip down the Fallopian tube takes about a week as the cilia in the tube propel the unfertilized “egg” or the embryo down to the uterus. At this point, if she had intercourse near the time of ovulation, the woman has no idea whether an unfertilized “egg” or a new baby is travelling down that tube. During this time, progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum has been stimulating the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, to thicken in preparation for possible implantation, and when a growing embryo finally reaches the uterus, it will implant in this nutritious environment and begin to secrete its own hormones to maintain the endometrium. If the “egg” was not fertilized, it dies and disintegrates, and as the corpus luteum also disintegrates, its progesterone production falls, and the unneeded, built-up endometrium is shed.
The uterus has thick, muscular walls and is very small. In a nulliparous woman, the uterus is only about 7 cm long by 4 to 5 cm wide, but it can expand to hold a 4 kg baby. The lining of the uterus is called theendometrium, and has a rich capillary supply to bring food to any embryo that might implant there.
The bottom end of the uterus is called the cervix. The cervix secretes mucus, the consistency of which varies with the stages in her menstrual cycle. At ovulation, this cervical mucus is clear, runny, and conducive to sperm. Post-ovulation, the mucus gets thick and pasty to block sperm. Enough of this mucus is produced that it is possible for a woman to touch a finger to the opening of her vagina and obtain some of it. If she does this on a daily basis, she can use the information thus gained, along with daily temperature records, to tell where in her cycle she is. If a woman becomes pregnant, the cervical mucus forms a plug to seal off the uterus and protect the developing baby, and any medical procedure which involves removal of that plug carries the risk of introducing pathogens into the nearly-sterile uterine environment.
The vagina is a relatively-thin-walled chamber. It servs as a repository for sperm (it is where the penis is inserted), and also serves as the birth canal. Note that, unlike the male, the female has separate opening for the urinary tract and reproductive system. These openings are covered externally by two sets of skin folds. The thinner, inner folds are the labia minora and the thicker, outer ones are the labia majora. The labia minora contain erectile tissue like that in the penis, thus change shape when the woman is sexually aroused. The opening around the genital area is called the vestibule. There is a membrane called the hymen that partially covers the opening of the vagina. This is torn by the woman’s first sexual intercourse (or sometimes other causes like injury or some kinds of vigorous physical activity). In women, the openings of the vagina and urethra are susceptible to bacterial infections if fecal bacteria are wiped towards them. Thus, while parents who are toilet-training a toddler usually wipe her from back to front, thus “imprinting” that sensation as feeling “right” to her, it is important, rather, that that little girls be taught to wipe themselves from the front to the back to help prevent vaginal and bladder infections. Older girls and women who were taught the wrong way need to make a conscious effort to change their habits.
At the anterior end of the labia, under the pubic bone, is the clitoris, the female equivalent of the penis. This small structure contains erectile tissue and many nerve endings in a sensitive glans within a prepuce which totally encloses the glans. This is the most sensitive point for female sexual stimulation, so senstiive that vigorous, direct stimulation does not feel good. It is better for the man to gently stimulate near the clitoris rather than right on it. Some cultures do a procedure, similar to circumcision, as a puberty rite in teenage girls in which the prepuce is cut, exposing the extremely-sensitive clitoris. There are some interesting speculations on the cultural significance of this because the sensitivity of the exposed clitoris would probably make having sexual intercourse a much less pleasant experience for these women.

Examples of cancers

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